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  • 所在单位:JS金沙(公共数学教学部)
  • 办公地点:藕舫楼703
  • 性别:
  • 职称:教授
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(1) 2006.09–2010.10, 扬州大学, 基础数学, 博士

(2) 2001.09–2004.07, 扬州大学, 基础数学, 硕士

(3) 1997.09–2001.07, 扬州大学, 数学教育, 学士


(1) 2018.07- , JS金沙, 教授

(2) 2014.02-2015.02, 美国南加州大学, 访问学者

(3) 2004.06-2018.06, 南京农业大学, 讲师、副教授、教授

(4) 2011.03-2014.01, 东南大学, 博士后






1. 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目(编号:BK20201390): 几乎无平方因子融合范畴的分类, 2020/07-2023/06

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(编号:11201231):半单Hopf代数的结构和分类,2013/01-2015/12

3. 中国博士后基金(编号:2012M511163): 可解融合范畴的分类及其在半单Hopf代数分类中的应用,2012/01-2014/03

4. 江苏省博士后基金(编号:1102041C):辫子融合范畴及其应用, 2011/09-2013/03

5. 中央高校基本业务费(自主创新项目)(编号:KYZ201564:): 融合范畴的Morita等价,2015/01-2017/12


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号:11571173):弱乘子(Hom-)Hopf代数上Galois理论和同调理论研究,2016/01-2019/12

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号:11371088):有界型量子超群胚上的Pontryagin对偶、Galois对象和张量范畴表示,2014/01-2017/12

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号:10771183):一类量子群上模代数的代数分类和几何分类,2008/02-2009/12


23. Jingcheng Dong, Sonia Natale, Hua Sun, A class of prime fusion categories of dimension 2(N),  New York Journal of Mathematics, 27(1): 141-163, 2021.

22.  Jingcheng Dong, Hua Sun, Structure, examples and classification for generalized near-group fusion categories, Journal of Algebra, 568(1): 386-407, 2021.

21.  Jingcheng Dong, Slightly trivial extensions of a fusion category, Archiv der Mathematik, 114(1): 19-25, 2020.

20. Jingcheng Dong, Braided extensions of a pointed fusion category with prime dimension,  Algebra Colloquium, 27(2): 281-286, 2020.

19. Jingcheng Dong,Li Dai, On braided almost square-free fusion categories with odd dimension, Communications in Algebra, 47(12): 5063-5071, 2019.

18. Jingcheng Dong, Liangyuan Zhang, Li Dai, Non-trivially graded self-dual fusion categories of rank 4, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 34(2): 275–287, 2018.

17. Jingcheng Dong, Sonia Natale, On the classification of almost square-free modular categories, Algebras and Representation Theory, 21(6): 1353-1368, 2018.

16. Jingcheng Dong, Braided Zq-extensions of pointed fusion categories, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 145(3): 995-1001, 2017.

15. Jingcheng Dong, Libin Li, and Li Dai, Integral almost square-free modular categories, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications 16(5): 1750104, 14pages, 2017.

14. Jingcheng Dong, Henry Tucker, Integral modular categories of Frobenius-Perron dimension, Algebras and Representation Theory, 19(1): 33-46, 2016.

13. Jingcheng Dong, Li Dai, Existence of Tannakian subcategories and its applications, Communications in Algebra, 44(4) : 1767-1782, 2016.

12. Li Dai, Jingcheng Dong, On Kaplansky's sixth conjecture, Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova,135(1): 1-20, 2016.

11. Jingcheng Dong, Sonia Natale, Leandro Vendramin, Frobenius property for fusion categories of small integral dimension, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 14(2): 1550011, 17pages, 2015.

10. Jingcheng Dong, Li Dai, Semisimple Hopf algebra of dimension, Mathematica Slovaca, 65(1): 53-62, 2015.

9. Li Dai, Jingcheng Dong, On semisimple Hopf algebras of dimension, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 57(2): 264-269, 2014.

8. Jingcheng Dong, Li Dai, On integral fusion categories with low-dimensional simple objects, Communications in Algebra, 42(11): 4955-4961, 2014.

7. Jingcheng Dong, Huixiang Chen, Almost split sequences of the quantum double of a finite group, Mathematical Notes, 95(3): 346-358, 2014.

6. Jingcheng Dong, Huixiang Chen, The representations of quantum double of dihedral groups, Algebra Colloquium, 20(1): 95-108, 2013.

5. Jingcheng Dong, Shuanhong Wang, On semisimple Hopf algebras of dimension , Journal of Algebra, 375(1):97-108, 2013.

4. Jingcheng Dong, Structure theorems for semisimple Hopf algebras of dimension, Communications in Algebra, 40(12): 4673-4678, 2012.

3. Jingcheng Dong, Structure of semisimple Hopf algebras of dimension, Communications in Algebra, 40(3): 795-806, 2012.

2. Jingcheng Dong, Li Dai, Further results on semisimple Hopf algebras of dimension, Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina, 53(2): 97-112, 2012.

1. Jingcheng Dong,Grothendieck ring of quantum double of finite groups. Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 60(135): 869-879, 2010. 



