
性别: 男
所在单位: JS金沙(公共数学教学部)
办公地点: 藕舫楼709
联系方式: yangquanhui01@163.com



Personal Profile



2005年-2009年  南京师范大学,数学科学学院,本科(保送研究生)

2009年-2014年  南京师范大学,数学科学学院,硕博连读(导师:陈永高教授)



2014年6月-2017年8月  JS金沙,JS金沙,讲师

2017年9月至今       JS金沙,JS金沙,副教授         


2013年7月   匈牙利布达佩斯   参加Erdos Centennial会议                                             

2016年11月-2017年5月  访问匈牙利布达佩斯技术与经济大学


2013年至今,美国《数学评论》(Mathematical Reviews)评论员




2. 从事高中数学联赛及名校自主招生培训,擅长代数,组合和数论方面的竞赛题。 曾多次受重点中学以及全国著名培训邀请进行竞赛培训,每年均带出员工进入国家集训队,2019、2020年所带员工俞然枫与严彬玮进入中国国家队,并分别在国际数学奥林匹克竞赛(IMO)中获得金、银牌。




1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 "Erdos-Turan 猜想等相关加性问题研究" (Grant No. 11501299),21万,2016年1月--2018年12月.   (主持) 

2. 江苏省青年基金项目 “表示函数及相关问题研究”(BK20150889),  20万, 2015年7月--2018年6月.   (主持)

3. 江苏省高校自然科学研究面上项目 “加法数论中若干问题研究”(15KJB110014), 5万, 2015年7月--2017年6月.  (主持)

4. JS金沙科研启动项目 "表示函数问题及相关加性数论问题研究" (2014r029), 10万, 2014年9月--2017年6月.   (主持)

5. 南京师范大学全国优秀博士论文培育计划重点项目”Erdos-Turan猜想及表示函数",3万,2011--2014.    (主持)

6. 2012年度江苏省研究生创新工程项目“和集、差集及表示函数", 2万,2012--2014.    (主持)



36. Xing-Wang Jiang, Csaba Sandor, Quan-Hui Yang, On the values of representation functions II. J. Number Theory 218, 288-301, 2021. (SCI)

35. Jun-Yu Zhou, Quan-Hui Yang, On the structure of the h-fold sumsets, C.R.Math. Acad. Sci.Pairs 359, 493-500, 2021. (SCI)

34. Xing-Wang Jiang, Csaba Sandor, Quan-Hui Yang, A note on the lower bound of representation functions, Int. J. Number Theory 17, 2243-2250, 2021. (SCI)

33. Min Tang, Quan-Hui Yang, On a problem of Erdos and Graham, Publ. Math. Debrecen 99, 485-493, 2021. (SCI)

32. Cui-Fang Sun, Meng-Chi Xiong, Quan-Hui Yang, Constructing finite sets from their representation functions, Acta Math. Hungar. 165, 134-145, 2021. (SCI)

31. Quan-Hui Yang, Ting Pan, Jian-Dong Wu, On optimal M-sets related to Motzkin's problem, J. Math., Art. ID 7457625, 2020. (SCI)

30. Shi-Qiang Chen, Min Tang, Quan-Hui Yang, On a problem of Lev and Chen, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc., 99, 15-22, 2019.(SCI)  

29. Sandor Kiss, Csaba Sandor, Quan-Hui Yang, On minimal additive complements of integers, J. Combin. Theory Ser A, 162, 344-353, 2019. (SCI)  

28. Sandor Kiss, Csaba Sandor, Quan-Hui Yang, On a conjecture of Erdos about sets without k pairwise coprime integers, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 32, 2453-2466, 2018. (SCI)  (通讯作者)

27. Csaba Sandor, Quan-Hui Yang,  On some properties of representation functions related to the Erdos-Turan conjecture, European J. Combin. 71, 222-228, 2018.  (SCI) (通讯作者)

26. Quan-Hui Yang, Qing-Qing Zhao, Powerful numbers in (1^l+q^l)(2^l+q^l)(n^l+q^l), C.R.Math.Acad.Sci.Pairs. 356, 13-16, 2018.  (SCI)

25. Sandor Kiss, Csaba Sandor, Quan-Hui Yang, On generalized Stanley sequence, Acta Math. Hungar. 154, 501-510, 2018.   (SCI)

24. Csaba Sandor, Quan-Hui Yang, A lower bound of Ruzsa's number related to the Erdos-Turan conjecture, Acta Arith., 180, 161-169, 2017.   (SCI)

23. Quan-Hui Yang, A refinement of Guo's theorem concerning divisibility properties of binomial coefficients, Ars Combin., 135,213-221,2017.   (SCI)

22. Quan-Hui Yang, Min Tang, Representation functions on finite sets with extreme symmetric differences,J. Number Theory,180, 73-85, 2017. (SCI)

21. Quan-Hui Yang, Qing-Qing Zhao, On the sumsets of exceptional units in Zn, Monatsh. Math.,182, 489-493, 2017. (SCI)

20. Quan-Hui Yang, Min Tang, Density of integral sets with missing differences, Ars Combin., 132,231-239,2017.   (SCI)

19. Quan-Hui Yang, Min Tang, On the addition of squares of units and nonunits modulo n, J. Number Theory,155, 1-12, 2015. (SCI)

18. Quan-Hui Yang, Yong-Gao Chen, On the cardinality of general h-fold sumsets, European J. Combin., 47, 103-114, 2015. (SCI)

17. Quan-Hui Yang, Proof of a conjecture of Amdeberhan and Moll on a divisibility property of binomial coefficients, Electron. J. Combin., 22(1), #P1.9, 2015.    (SCI)

16. Ying Shi, Quan-Hui Yang, Dynamics of a function related to the primes, Chin. Ann. Math. Ser. B, 36, 81-90, 2015.   (SCI)

15. Cui-Fang Sun, Quan-Hui Yang, On the sumset of stoms in cyclic groups, Int. J. Number Theory, 10, 1355-1363, 2014.  (SCI)

14. Quan-Hui Yang, Representation functions with different weights, Colloq. Math., 137, 1-6, 2014. (SCI)

13. Quan-Hui Yang, Yong-Gao Chen, On the integers of the form p+b, Taiwanese J. Math., 18, 1623-1631, 2014.    (SCI)

12. Quan-Hui Yang, Yong-Gao Chen, Weighted representation functions on Zm, Taiwanese J. Math., 17, 1311-1319, 2013.   (SCI)

11. Yong-Gao Chen, Quan-Hui Yang, Ruzsa's theorem on Erdos-Turan conjecture, European J. Combin., 34, 410-413, 2013.   (SCI)

10. Quan-Hui Yang, A generalization of Chen's theorem on the Erdos-Turan conjecture, Int. J. Number Theory, 9, 1683-1686, 2013.  (SCI)

9. Min Tang, Quan-Hui Yang, The Diophantine equation (bn)^x+(2n)^y=((b+2)n)^z, Colloq. Math.,132, 95-100, 2013.  (SCI)

8. Yong-Gao Chen, Quan-Hui Yang, On a problem of Nathanson related to minimal additive complements, SIAM J. Discrete Math., 26, 1532-1536, 2012.  (SCI)

7. Quan-Hui Yang, Yong-Gao Chen, Partitions of natural numbers with the same weighted representation functions, J. Number Theory, 132, 3047-3055, 2012.  (SCI)

6. Quan-Hui Yang, Yong-Gao Chen, Sumsets and difference sets containing a common term of a sequence, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc., 85, 79-83, 2012.  (SCI)

5. Quan-Hui Yang, Jian-Dong Wu, Sum and difference sets containing integer powers, Czechoslovak Math. J., 62, 787-793, 2012.  (SCI)

4. Feng Liu, Quan-Hui Yang, An identity on the 2m-power mean value of the generalized Gauss sums, Bull. Korean Math. Soc., 49, 1327-1334, 2012.  (SCI)

3. Quan-Hui Yang, Feng-Juan Chen, Partitions of Zm with the same representation functions, Australas. J. Combin., 53, 257-262, 2012. 

2. Quan-Hui Yang, Another proof of Nathanson's theorems, J. Integer Seq., 14, Article 11.8.4, 2011.

1. Quan-Hui Yang, Feng-Juan Chen, On bases with a T-order, Integers, 11, A05, 2011.





 2.  2012年获南京师范大学董事长特别奖学金;

 3.  2014年获南京师范大学朱敬文特别奖学金;

4.  多次带领数科院获南京师范大学乒乓球比赛团体第一名


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